Wayfair 礼品卡





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check icon 電子郵件傳送

你的房子需要改造吗?你厌倦了看着同样的旧家具吗?想要为您的家增添趣味?我们大声而清晰地听到您的声音,这就是我们很自豪地为 Wayfair 提供礼品卡的原因。 Wayfair 为家居用品提供大幅折扣,包括餐厅套装、天花板灯和风扇、边桌、墙壁装饰、客厅套装、厨房桌子、艺术品、地毯、植物和植物架、浴室柜和卧室套装,Wayfair 有您一定会爱上的适合您家的东西。当您拥有华丽的新家具肯定会让每个人都想来您家时,为什么还要坚持使用相同的陈旧单调家具!今天购买这张礼品卡,明天开始购物以改造您的家!


如何兑换您的 Wayfair 电子礼品卡:

1. 单击电子邮件中提供的兑换 URL。
2. 打印结果页。
3. 结账时输入礼品卡代码并在“付款”页面输入密码。


Wayfair 礼品卡的有效期是多久?

Wayfair 礼品卡永不过期。

Wayfair.com USA

Brand Disclaimer

*Wayfair is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with this reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.

Terms & Conditions

Gift cards do not expire. Can only be redeemed at a Wayfair website (wayfair.com, jossandmain.com, birchlane.com, allmodern.com, and perigold.com). Only valid in the U.S. Cannot be used to purchase additional gift cards. Not redeemable for cash and cannot be returned for a cash refund, except to the extent required by law. Wayfair is not responsible for and will not replace lost or stolen gift cards. For complete Terms & Conditions, see www.wayfair.com/giftcardterms.