Blackwells 礼品卡





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check icon 電子郵件傳送

Blackwells 礼品卡可在英国使用。
Blackwells 成立于 1879 年,是英国首屈一指的书店。 Blackwells 拥有莎士比亚、菲茨杰拉德、普鲁斯特、肖或海明威等人的经典作品,以及 Brit Bennett、Stephen Fry、Zakiya Daula Harris、Benjamin Labatut 和 Monique Roffey 等作家的新经典作品,Blackwells 拥有适合您或您身边的书迷的一切知道。 Blackwells 提供各种各样的小说和非小说类书籍,可以带您到神秘的地方,或者让您面对世界各地不同的现实,无论您今天、明年或十年的兴趣是什么,Blackwells 都能满足每个人的需求现在起。浏览他们的各种签名书籍以及畅销书、礼物、文具和游戏,以购买旧的最爱或找到新的东西。


如何兑换您的 Blackwells 电子礼品卡:

1. 单击电子邮件中提供的兑换 URL。
2. 打印结果页。
3. 将打印好的页面带到您当地的 Blackwells 商店或在线订购。


Blackwells 礼品卡的有效期是多久?

Blackwells 礼品卡永不过期。

Blackwells UK 

Valid activated eGift cards can be used as full or part payment of goods at Blackwell shops across the UK and for purchases made online at No change or refunds will be given where the sales transaction is for an amount less than the balance on the card, but the balance may be applied to future purchases. This card cannot be used to purchase gift vouchers or additional gift/eGift cards or book tokens, nor can the card (and any card balance) be exchanged for cash or used as a deposit on a credit agreement. If the eGift card is not used for a period of 24 consecutive months (whether to make a purchase, top-up or to make a balance enquiry); the card will automatically expire and any remaining balance will be deducted. To protect your balance in the event of your eGift card being lost or stolen please make sure you are logged in and then register by clicking on the "Account" link, then click on the "Manage rewards & gift" link from the left-hand menu, then click on "Gift Card Loss Protection" from the menu and follow the on-screen instructions. The card may be used for payment of goods of a higher price than the current card balance on payment of the difference. Overpayments, where goods are subsequently exchanged for goods of a lower price, will be added to the balance of the card. Blackwell reserves the right to add or amend these terms and conditions. Customers will be notified via instore displays and on its website in the event of any change. For a full list of our terms and conditions, please visit