Yandex Gift Card

Buy a Yandex gift card with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero or one of over 200 other cryptocurrencies offered. After you have paid, you will instantly receive the voucher code by email.

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Yandex is a Russian-Dutch company based in Amsterdam. Yandex is the most widely used Internet search engine in Russia. Yandex Money is the largest paymant provider in Russia. If you plan to make a purchase in a Russian online shop, a credit card for Yandex Money is ideal. Buy fast and safe with your Bitcoins or other Altcoins on a voucher from Yandex Money and load your account with it.

How do I redeem a Yandex Money balance card from Coinsbee?

  • Visit
  • Enter your 16-digit code here. You will receive the code directly after your purchase from sent.
  • Indicate the Yandex Money account you wish to top up.
  • The charge is then carried out within a few minutes.

Do I need an account to redeem the Yandex Money balance card?

If you want to use the voucher yourself to top up your Yandex Money account, then you need to have your own Yandex Money account. You can set up the account free of charge and quickly on

Where do I see the balance of my Yandex Money wallet?

You will see the balance of your Yandex Money Wallet after login on the following page

When does the Yandex Money voucher expire?

The redemption code to top up your Yandex Money balance is valid for one year. If you give the code to someone else, please inform the recipient of its validity.