EveOnline Gift Card

Buy a EveOnline gift card with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero or one of over 200 other cryptocurrencies offered. After you have paid, you will instantly receive the voucher code by email.

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EveOnline is a free-to-play, space-based MMORPG (Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game). In the game, players have the opportunity to select their path from an endless list of options.
Developed and published by CCP, EveOnline allows players to have a gaming experience like no other. They can take part in several in-game professions and activities, such as space exploration, mining, PvP (player versus player) and PvE (player versus environment) battles, and trading. Plus, they can experience a thriving player economy in an ever-growing sandbox. 

EveOnline boasts 7800 + star systems with thousands of players. Also, it is famous for its scale and complexity in terms of player interactions. For instance, in both single-player and multiplayer modes, players participate in unscripted political schemes, economic competition, piracy, warfare, etc.

Launched in 2003, the game began as a large empty universe consisting of players all trying to kill each other off and grab power. Since then, it has grown into a complex sandbox, boasting hundreds of roles and activities to meet each player’s needs.

The interesting part is every activity is slow and deliberate, delivering lots of downtime between action and surprise moments. Therefore, players can spend several hours hunting for an exclusive kill or farming for ISK to replace lost ships.

If you’re looking for a gift for your video game enthusiast brother or loved one, consider getting an EveOnline gift card using Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Shiba Inu token from Coinsbee.com.


How To Redeem EveOnline Gift Cards

Once you have paid, you will receive your EveOnline gift card voucher code via email. You can only redeem the gift card on EveOnline’s official website. Visit merch.eve.com to redeem the gift card value for any merch sold at the site.

When Do EveOnline Gift Card Expire?

EveOnline gift cards come with a validity period of 60 days. Once the cards expire, you will receive no refund or extension.

What Can You Use EveOnline Gift Cards For?             

You can use your EveOnline gift card to purchase merch sold at merch.eve.com, including, mugs, beanies, t-shirts, baseball caps, and others.