Azrieli Gift Card

Buy a Azrieli gift card with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero or one of over 200 other cryptocurrencies offered. After you have paid, you will instantly receive the voucher code by email.

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Azrieli is one of the most popular malls in Israel that offer high-quality products from renowned brands. From apparel and footwear to electronics and cosmetics, you can buy anything from there. Now you can also buy any product that you want from this mall by using your gift cards. The best online platform to buy Azrieli gift cards is Coinsbee. That’s because it allows you to choose from more than 50 major cryptocurrencies such as Dogecoin, Bitcoin, XRP, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and more to pay for your Azrieli gift cards. 


How to Redeem Your Azrieli Gift Cards?

The Azrieli gift cards that you purchase from Coinsbee are shared with you via email. You’ll need to print them from there and take the printed ones to Azrieli mall. While checking out from any shop in that mall, you can provide the cashier with your Azrieli gift card to apply its value to your purchase.

When Do the Azrieli Gift Cards Expire?

The Azrieli gift cards that you purchase from Coinsbee expire after 60 months of their issuance date. You need to make sure that you use your Azrieli gift cards within the validity period.

For What You Can Use the Azrieli Gift Cards?

You can use your gift cards to purchase anything available in any shop located inside the Azrieli mall. But you can’t redeem your Azrieli gift cards for cash or other gift cards.