88Mobile Gift Card

Buy a 88Mobile gift card with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero or one of over 200 other cryptocurrencies offered. After you have paid, you will instantly receive the voucher code by email.

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88mobile is a Dutch mobile operator specializing in international calls in the Netherlands. The provider is multilingual and supports especially Chinese users by offering the languages Mandarin and Cantonese. The 88 also has Chinese origins. The number 88 is considered the biggest lucky number in China. The tariffs of 88mobile are also very competitive internationally. The network is used by T-Mobile. For international calls, the provider uses the Artilium network. With Coinsbee you can top up your 88Mobile credit with Ethereum, Dash, Bitcoin, Litecoins or other crypto currencies in a very short time.

How do I top up my 88mobile credits with the code ?

  • Enter * 133 * CODE # followed by the Send button
  • Call 1244 and follow the instructions you receive
  • Now you have to wait up to 15 minutes until the charging process is completed

How can I check my 88mobile balance?

  • Send "BALDO" to 1350
  • Call 1244 and follow the instructions

Where can I find more information on how to use the credit card?

Further information on prepaid cards from the provider 88mobile can be found on https://www.88mobile.nl